The horizon was beginning to show hints of color as the silhouette of a small boat appeared near the docks of the city. Even in the dim light of the newborn moon, the figure of the man in the boat would strike fear in the hearts of the most valiant of souls. Of course, he was a member of the Nosferatu clan whose appearance is both their gift and their curse. Before he stepped foot on the dock, two others appeared carrying a rather large chest and followed him onto land. Out of the shadow of the warehouse, Ethan appeared wearing a trench coat. Pulling on work gloves, Ethan approached the three men and exchanged warm handshakes with the massively disfigured kindred. The sound of the waves splashing against the dock covered what was said, but an envelope exchanged hands. As quickly as it had arrived, the boat disappeared into the night leaving Ethan with the chest, which was lifted to his chest and taken in the direction of the Voodoo Shop.
The next evening, Ethan woke alone. Usually he seeks out his beloved as soon as possible upon waking but, this time, he did not go to the library first. Instead, using the cover of every shadow, he made his way back to the Voodoo Shop via every back alley. Once there, he went to the Victorian desk located in the back of the building, moved it, and retrieved the chest hidden there the night before. Ethan sliced his finger open with an exposed nail and touched 12-points on the chest triggering the lockless chest to open. A silvery glow reflected on his skin as the lid opened, but what was removed seemed rather unspectacular: two pieces of papyrus, a quill, and a little bottle of ink along with a seal set. The chest disappeared behind the desk again and then the vampire took a seat at it and began to write.
Later, Ethan made his way to the library in anticipation of possibly finding Brit waiting for him. The thought of exploring the world of schemes, plots, betrayal, and manipulation with the approach of an untouched soul that sees and knows no evil brought a hint of a smile to his face. Finding the library actually empty, he did not seem disappointed and made his way to Omega’s private work place. Ethan quickly looked over his shoulder and a fine black mist appeared momentarily covering his narrowed eyes. None were near as his princess would have said, and he took the folded and sealed sheet of papyrus out of his mantle. After giving the golden seal a final check, he laid the note on her desk. The only writing on it was “Ω” ((Omega)).
Lady Omega,
With this letter, I wish to formally notify you that I have decided to ask Bridgette to bond herself to my being in every way my background as a mortal would command. Before the sun has disappeared in the sea the following morning, and should she accept my proposal, she will be wed to me. This is no affair of public interest, but certain measures have been taken in the last 24-hours to allow for the ceremonial part of this to be possible. There is only her adopted father that I deemed proper to inform besides you, but I have failed to find him as of yet. Since you seem to share a bond beyond the boundaries of distance, I rely on you to extend this information. You will hear of me moments before the ceremony, should you choose to attend.
It was signed elaborately “Ethan” and had a drop of blood in the middle of the signature.
A sly grin appeared on Ethan’s face as he looked back to the note and moved downstairs in the library. He noticed it was still empty. He brought his hand to his blood necklace clasping it and closed his eyes again. Words whispered into the wind with no sound or form. Traveling across land and sea, they reached the attentive ears of his chylder. Delivering a message to her, he reopened his eyes and made his way to the streets to continue his search for Brit as there were important questions to be asked.
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