It was the middle of the night by the time they arrived. Ethan left Brit standing alone in the center of the dance floor to go put an old vinyl record on the turn-table. The music from the orquesta típica filled the large room with its strong, demanding sound. Honey-sweet violins played through the commanding mixture of piano, double-bass, and bandoneons. The weather was warming, and the windows to the warehouse had been opened for air to circulate. Brit was slightly wobbly because she had yet to adjust to the height of her new shoes. Returning to her side, Ethan walked slowly around her caressing lightly. Entwining his fingers with hers, he pulled her gently but firmly close.
The sounds of her rustling skirt and uncertain clip-clop of her heels mingled with the music. Brit felt his arm wrap around her waist holding her tightly against him. Ethan said nothing but watched her for a long minute. He placed her hand against his palm and the other on his chest. Assuming a stance, he pushed his chest out standing very upright and shifted her weight to her right foot. Saying nothing, he took a step backward with his right foot very slowly giving her time to follow. She was unable to move her right foot, so she stumbled forward with her left looking up at him to see if that is what he wanted her to do.
There was no hint of a grin or smile, but she caught a slight twinkle in his eye when she made eye contact. Ethan pointedly looked to his side while dragging his left foot past the right moving his body to the side in a long step forcing her to follow in a slow wobbly step. She was unable to look down at their feet and keep her balance, so she simply kept focus on his eyes and followed where he directed. As she stepped, her hip slid against his twisting her skirt slightly. Again, her eyes sought his for confirmation that she was where he wanted her. This time, she was rewarded by the smallest hint of a smile. He slid his right foot past his left and to her side, and then followed with the left before standing still just enough time to allow her to follow. She moved clumsily but steadied as she repositioned for the next step. His tight grip caused her hips and thighs to press against his in the process.
He caught her gaze again and gave her a brief smile of approval which caused her cheeks to turn slightly pink. She pressed her forehead against his chest shyly before he moved again forcing her to follow. This time, his left foot slide forward slowly and was followed by his right passing over the left one causing him to pivot. Both feet then came together and, as she followed, she found herself facing his gaze yet again. He whispered, “Again” and repeated the sequence of steps starting with the left foot sliding back. Letting his body be her guide, she followed his slow lesson dividing the steps into three categories: The opening, the middle, and then closing.
After the third set, he maintained the slowness of the motion but ceased to pause between each group of steps. Brit grew more confident in both moving in her new heels and following the odd set of movements. As she moved just prior to him, he stood very still and looked directly into her eyes. “Do not anticipate,” he directed before turning his head to the side and repeating the steps again changing the middle part by moving around her with three quick steps ensuring she was able to follow.
Ethan used his hands and body to guide her through the dance steps increasing the pace with each sequence. Keeping her close at all times, he often varied the original steps. Her body brushed along his hips and thighs, turning away often to be pulled back quickly facing him. Their eyes met time and time again as each part of the dance seemed focused on returning the couple to gazing at one another. Brit enjoyed dancing with her husband and found it far different than the times she had danced with her adopted father, Denny. “This dance is different from the others,” she told him as she was turned to face him yet again. Her comment caused Ethan to grin as he pressed her against him before stepping between her feet and bending his knee forward to dip her slowly only to pull her quickly upright again. Her giggles were short-lived as he pressed her through he familiar sequence yet again.
They danced quietly. Brit found she could follow his pace and lead by the subtle changes in the way he held her and his body’s muscular movement. She grew more confident in her ability to walk in her new shoes and her ability to follow his lead. Ethan dipped her very slowly again to the right. This time, he took advantage of the position and drug his fangs sensually over the side of her throat before pulling her upright again to continue the dance. “Never be in doubt,” he said quietly. “You are completely and totally mine.” His expression was quietly serious as he stepped to her side and pulled her around to face him again.
She nodded to show that she understood and they continued to dance. Ethan’s lead was demanding and exacting never allowing more than two breaths distance between them. His demeanor remained serious and seemed to fit the dance though such attitude might have unnerved her at another time. She stayed close to him, gazed into his eyes until both she and the night started to fade. Time blended.
He looked to the horizon as they walked toward their resting place. After kissing her on the corner, Ethan said, “We should dance more often.” A motorcycle zoomed past them. Ethan watched it disappear down the street and continued, “And you will keep yourself nourished so that you can keep up.” Directing her to cross the street just as he directed her in the dance, he said simply, “Do not cut your meals short, Brit. The waitress knows what to bring you.” His expression was not scolding though his voice was serious leaving no doubt that his words were not a request.
Brit peeked up at his face that showed nothing but love and caring. “I will eat what Annika brings, Ethan. Do not worry.” Just as she had followed his lead, it was the response he wanted. He hugged her to him before opening the door to their resting place where she slept in an intimate and tender embrace.
Prof. Parker hated summer. He wandered these dirty streets after dark to escape the steamy heat, but even darkness brought no relief. He had become scruffy, finding no instrument he considered clean or safe enough with which to shave. The weight of his extra hair and disheveled face contributed to his misery.
ReplyDeleteHe was lost. Not only in this world -- lost too in his mind. His thoughts of things and people misplaced along with priorities. Objects lost to cascading rivers, emotions hardening with cascading tears.
A learned man, now living like a rat, scurrying and feeding off refuse to survive. Unclear on predator and prey. Saddled with deep sadness, burdened by oppressive heat.
In the distance he heard music play, an irony in this location for it was sweet yet passionate with a crackling sound that remained the professor of younger days.
He recalled when he felt like he owned his city. Known by all. Liked. Desired. There were formal dances and rendezvous's on the back porch of his brownstone. Each day was filled with excitement, anticipation, love.
Gone now were his friends. Other pursuits, or interests. Other priorities. His gleaming city slowly became a holocaust. Unrecognizable. He wandered the streets now, much like he did when he first arrived. In the beginning, everything was an adventure, a festival for the senses. Now, he was alone and the streets were empty or crowded with strangers. It didn't matter Old friends unavailable, new friends unable to compete with memories.
Then it occurred to him. He was not in a different city as he first thought. It was the same place, but time marched forward, while he stood still, buried with his poetry and search for perfection.
Summer brought him agony. Stifled by heat, unable to think, to move briskly; to breathe. He could feel the sweat radiate off the buildings that surrounded him and seemed to close in upon him.
Where was that damned music coming from?