Ethan shifted uncomfortably. He did not have an answer. The movie dealt with several issues that focused on the darker side of humanity and vampiric nature. He knew without peeking into her mind that Brit would be processing the movie for days if not weeks. She did not understand the nature of bullies. A need for someone to make themselves feel more powerful by preying on others was beyond her scope of understanding. When Oskar was being tormented, she whispered, “He needs a redeemer.”
The need for killing people when Eli drank was explained when Eli fed directly. Ethan explained that some thoughts on the creation of vampires were that it was caused by a virus-like organism that could be gained when the vampire fed. Ethan also carefully explained how his chylder was created in a way that Brit could comprehend. As he spoke, his fingers caressed her skin as his mind sifted her thoughts to see whether she desired to be more like him, and was disappointed as he had been before that it never dawned on her to ask.
Ethan felt disgusted when Eli’s keeper would kill victims that he had drugged to drain blood in a jug to sustain Eli. After all, in his mind, there was no need to kill them, but he rationalized that it was likely easier to get by with the attack if there was no witness. Brit blinked slowly as she watched the scenes that grew gory at times. Ethan noticed that her mind neither condemned nor justified the actions. Rather, she seemed to simply take in the story.
Brit seemed confused about the cats that demonstrated aversions to kindred. Ethan again told her of certain myths. She felt the myth was not true because Ethan had joined her in playing with a litter of kittens when they were in France. At that time, he told her many stories of cats and myths surrounding them. Brit had wanted a kitten, but she knew it would not survive in the city.
Brit’s thoughts surrounded Eli and Oskar, but Ethan found the story of Håkan unsettling. Håkan was the old man who had cared for Eli. At one point in the movie, he asked her not to see Oskar that night. Brit had no understanding of the request, but Ethan saw jealousy. He knew without a shadow of doubt that Håkan had been with Eli for a long time – perhaps since he was a boy of Oskar’s age. Now he was old and the two simply co-existed. Håkan provided and Eli endured.
Brit did not focus on the comment, but Ethan’s thoughts were not far from it. At that point on, he was sure that Håkan had one time been like Oskar. He had seen his kind use someone’s life for themselves only to cast them aside when they found someone new or grew weary of the one who had served them without a second thought. Brit was warm against him. He frowned seeing how others of his kind would view her.
In the movie, Håkan disfigured himself so he could not be identified. In the hospital, he offers Eli his neck and she drains him letting his body fall from the window. At no time in the movie, did it show Eli giving another thought to him. It was as if Håkan never existed as her focus was now on Oskar. Brit simply watched the movie focused on each moment as it arrived unaware of the discomfort that Ethan felt of the sad reminder of what he had seen played out through the centuries time and time again by kindred he had known.
The movie had endearing moments. Oskar teaching Eli Morse code so they could tap to each other through the wall. Also, Eli walking to him without being asked in to show him that she would harm herself for him and that she had watched over him when he thought she was gone only to help him in the end. Brit pressed against Ethan beaming at the screen when Oskar and Eli shared their first kiss.
The darkness, Ethan noticed, was lost on Brit. The sadness of Håkan’s likely story. Eli’s response to the question of her age: “I’m twelve. But I have been twelve for a long time.” Added to her story with Oskar, Ethan murmured, “Bittersweet.” At the end of the movie, Ethan smiled as Eli, who was in a crate, tapped out “kiss” to Oskar who was riding on a train and Oskar responded back in kind.
“Ethan?” Brit spoke again, “Does she love him or does she need him?” Ethan frowned. Brit’s thoughts had started to process the movie. Most movies were so simple to explain. This one was different and obviously close to home. He pulled her over him and kissed her softly. She giggled at the kiss but continued to wait for a response.
Normally he would ask what she thought, but he could see that she had no response. She was trying to make sense of it herself. “I’m unsure, Brit,” he said softly. Her eyes widened. She had never known him to not have a response. He smiled. “I love you,” he said. “And I need you.” She returned his smile giving him a loving squeeze.
Walking home, he was thoughtful as she was. Brit processed, but Ethan’s thoughts also focused on the movie and he continued to feel slightly disturbed. She took two steps to each one of his as they walked. “Brit,” he said softly, “I will always love and need you.”
Smiling, she said, “I know, Ethan.” He nodded returning her smile and they continued to walk.
“You will not grow old like Håkan did or Oskar will.” She paused looking up at him as they walked. Seeing his thoughts were closed to her, she frowned slightly. His hand tightened on hers and he shook his head. Seeing her curios expression, he shook his head again. “Just....” Smiling, he picked her up suddenly and swung her around. She screamed gleefully as he swung her again.
After three swings, he tossed her slightly up in the air and she giggled happily. Turning her quickly, he grabbed her holding her to him like one would a child, and he walked them both back to their resting place. His cheek nuzzled her hair as they walked. Neither noticed the odd glances from those they passed as he moved through the streets. Once back in their resting place, he kissed her as he tapped his fingers on her body. -- .. -. .
Tomorrow, perhaps he would teach her Morse code.
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